

I’ve always had a thing for photosynthesis. I’ve never been good with science or math so I don’t know specifics beyond elementary level. I just love the idea of directly turning sunshine into existence; life from warmth. If I ever make a religion from it,Los Angeles based artist Kobaiylahkah shall be the diety. 

Something about their energy shouts life from warmth. They carry themselves like water, love like fire and give like the wind. They are a rarity and one that deserves flowery descriptors of the day. Maybe they hide their warmth in their throat, waiting constantly to open wide and cast light on us all. Their voice is warmth. It crackles just right like your dads old vinyl records. It envelops you in the softest, heavy blanket your mom wraps tightly around you. Their lyrics, on the other hand, scream chosen family. (My favorite is their collab with Karim, ‘It’s Just Time’)

The singer-songwriter and energy reader played a game of 20 questions with me! Check it out below! (My questions in bold, their responses in italics; in the graphics, both are provided via screenshot)

What does your artistry taste and smell like?

I’d say it tastes like the mystery flavor of your fav type of candy - you really don’t know what you’re gonna get but it’s different every time and fun and interesting - even if it’s your least fav flavor, it’s still your fav candy so you’re most likely gonna enjoy it 🤓 As for smell? I think I’d say it smells like roses, gardenias, sage, cedar wood, fresh grass, and really old, ancient Trees 🌳✨

What three words describe the best environment to collab in?

Green, Natural Reverb, Space

When was the last time everyone told you you couldn’t or shouldn’t and you did so anyway? Honestly I haven’t experienced that in awhile! I don’t really have people around me anymore who try to play that haha. I guess I’d say when i was at Berkl…

When was the last time everyone told you you couldn’t or shouldn’t and you did so anyway? 

Honestly I haven’t experienced that in awhile! I don’t really have people around me anymore who try to play that haha. I guess I’d say when i was at Berklee having my private lesson final and one of the adjudicators told me I sing too low for a female and should sing higher. I hated that so deeply lmao

What was the first song you remember listening to the lyrics of and feeling seen?

‘Saturn’ by Stevie Wonder for sure. he says ‘on Saturn, just to live to us is our natural high’ 😭

How would you describe your aesthetic?

mmmm fluid, fun, and comfy. i honestly switch it up in ways ppl typically don’t expect and when i’m in one sort of mode i don’t stay in it for too long. i love to be cozy and free tho and as naked as possible a lot of the time haha

what’s something you were made fun of for when you were younger that you’re thankful you never changed/wavered on?I always find lessons in everything rough I experience. No matter what has occurred in my life, I always dig deep and work through my d…

what’s something you were made fun of for when you were younger that you’re thankful you never changed/wavered on?

I always find lessons in everything rough I experience. No matter what has occurred in my life, I always dig deep and work through my discomfort to understand why things happened and what I can learn from it. It doesn’t matter what situation or if it was ‘my fault’ or not. I look at everything as a part of my journey to maturing and evolving spiritually and emotionally and it makes my life always so beautiful. I will always recover being this way. It gives me strength and a deep wisdom.

Where do you feel safest?

In my room at my parent’s house. Nobody in this existence loves me more than my parents do and I’ve cultivated some of the most beautiful relationships w them over time through all of my wild changes in this life haha. 

And the furniture in this room was all my grandmothers and I slept in this bed throughout my childhood. I moved a lot as my dad was a Marine so the few things that still exist in their current home from back then are rare and special and I have a connection to them.

Who are your songs for?

Everyone. whether they’re conscious of their own emotional and spiritual journey (yet), it is for everyone to move forward within theirs. 

What’s your go to comfort food?carne asada tacos :)Matte or glossy?ugh idk they’re both so cute in diff contexts ! including emotional ones heheWhat personality trait draws you to a person? Open mindedness / having good personal boundaries and …

What’s your go to comfort food?

carne asada tacos :)

Matte or glossy?

ugh idk they’re both so cute in diff contexts ! including emotional ones hehe

What personality trait draws you to a person? 

Open mindedness / having good personal boundaries and simultaneously being open to what can grow them

Would you rather take a walk in a mostly untamed forest or an intricate botanical garden?

intricate botanical garden 😭✨

Where are you at the concert or club? (at the bar, on the dance floor, on the balcony getting air, etc)

i’m in all places ! i prob spend most of the time on the dance floor but i move around :)

What smell reminds you of childhood?

play dough, freshly cut green grass, early morning fog, fresh fruit, white rice w butters

What’s in store for you?Balance and a lot of Beauty :) Specifically for this lifetime I see myself having a highly successful spiritual business and getting to share my music with millions of ppl, whether that be on a stage or w streams or whatever …

What’s in store for you?

Balance and a lot of Beauty :) Specifically for this lifetime I see myself having a highly successful spiritual business and getting to share my music with millions of ppl, whether that be on a stage or w streams or whatever medium. I see lots of sharing and community with my Trans, non-binary, and BIPOC family !! so much Healing✨✨🥰🥰💖💖💖

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